Deciding where to go to college and what to study has always been a difficult, life altering decision, and that has only become more true in recent years. Studies and think pieces have come down on both sides of whether it is even worth it to go to college at all in the long run because tuition costs have skyrocketed and the economy has shifted. And as everyone who has gone through, or is going through the process knows, there’s an overwhelming amount of college related information online.
We are here to cut through the noise. You don’t need another college ranking telling you Harvard or Princeton is the best school – you need to know what life is actually like on college campuses in the US. We are here to highlight (and where we can, rank) every aspect of the higher education experience.
We are passionate about student experiences, student outcomes, and guiding students to colleges where they can be happy and successful.
Our mission is to rank everything college, and dissect every aspect of student life, because you never really know what will make a difference once you begin your college journey.
If you have any questions or suggestions (we love those!) please contact us.